4 Life-Changing Results of Harnessing the Power of Be~ing

4 Life-Changing Results of Harnessing the Power of Be~ing

Free Happy Woman

Are you aware of your Be~ing ? Of who you are Be~ing in any given moment? Of who is really showing up in your life, moment by moment, your ego personality or the real, authentic You?

Do you know how to harness the power of Be~ing to consciously design and improve upon your life?

Your Be~ing is the culmination of who you are in the deepest sense: your degree of self-awareness, how you see yourself, and how you see the world around you… how you show up to life.

Learning how to understand and harness your Be~ing is crucial to attaining inner peace, power, and purpose.

It grants you the ability to free yourself from the negativity, limiting beliefs, inner disturbances, and lack of presence that mars so much of our lives.

Here are some of the life-changing results that come from learning to harness the power of your Be~ing … of who you are Be~ing in any given moment.

1. You Choose Happiness – no matter what

“#Happiness is a function of Be~ing with what is so.” #PeacePowerPurpose #Leadership Click To Tweet

Too many people think of happiness as the momentary reward following an anticipated event – scoring that promotion, buying that car, catching the eye (and number) of the beauty at the bar.

To base our happiness on fleeting moments – both good and bad – is ineffective at best.

After all, events are often determined by forces outside our control. You can take pride in your accomplishments, sure. But what happens if the car crashes, the company bottoms out, or the beauty at the bar is a beautiful nightmare?

Harnessing your Power of Be~ing means choosing to be happy and at peace, with what is so.

If you’re able to be happy with what is so, you are inherently equipped to overcome challenges, maximise triumphs, and be happy and at peace with all the moments in between.

After all, life is as much about the little moments as it is about the milestones. In fact, I’m willing to wager we get more of the former than the latter; so, we’d be smart to appreciate them and be present to them.

2. You Dissolve Limiting Beliefs

Over the course of our lives, we encapsulate our minds and our hearts with limiting beliefs.

As things happen, both to us and because of us, both good and bad, we record them in our cell memory. We store situational summaries into our very Be~ing , including how we chose to allow them to make us feel.

As more things happen and life unfolds, we perceive life’s events and situations through this filter – this backlog of impressions. This gives us a murky view of the world as it passes by, a view that more often than not supports the one we’ve allowed our past to give us.

This is why different people see the same situation, the same world, in a myriad of different ways.

We drag everything that happens to us in the present through the remnants of our past: our experiences, our culture, our fears, our education. The present becomes tainted, contaminated, by our past as we hold onto it as part of our identity and of who we believe ourselves to be.

“Nothing has any meaning if not for the meaning that we give it.” #Leadership #PeacePowerPurpose Click To Tweet

The meaning we assign to our present is different from the meaning that other people, with other pasts, will give it… this is where miscommunication and its knock-on effects gets lost, misunderstood and misconstrued.

Harnessing the Power of who you are Be~ing grants you with the ability of awareness – to be aware of your limiting beliefs, why you have them, and how they might be shaping your perception of and reaction to, the events passing before you. Once you are aware of them and how you allow them to affect the situations and circumstances of your life, once you take responsibility for their impact… you have the access to delve into them and the power to choose to transform them.

3. You Turn The Volume Down on Your Inner Dialogue

We all have an inner dialogue that is constantly narrating our lives.

It spends its time labeling, judging, critiquing, assessing for us, “helping” us decide whether a situation, person, or event is inherently good or bad according to its perceived preferences. It drags everything we encounter through the perception of our limiting beliefs. It applies our fears, insecurities, anxieties and desires to everything we do.

Then, as soon as it seems our inner dialogue has settled on one side or another, it reveals its’ ugly head again and the noise, sometimes I call it radio static, reappears, like an incessant jack-in-the-box! It’s enough to drive us crazy — or at the very least, keep us up at night.

What’s most amazing is that this inner dialogue goes on literally during all our waking hours. It doesn’t stop – and most of us are unaware of it, let alone how it rules our lives.

Harnessing the Power of your Be~ing invites the inner dialogue to slow down or perhaps even stop. In the stillness that ensues, inner peace has a chance to emerge and the inner dialogue no longer controls you, your thoughts, or your life. Once that desperate need to control is relinquished, it no longer has you so tightly gripped… you’re able to relax, release and let go… and be present.

You, in your seat of consciousness, can stand by and observe this inner dialogue play out. And you can appreciate it for sharing, for reminding you of things to do, and for voicing its concerns about life, situations… people. You can simply say to it “thanks for sharing, I’ll come back to you later” – that way this voice in your head which, for the most part, acts like a petulant child, feels heard, listened to and loosens its grip… and you can calm it down. You can separate yourself, the object, from the subject that your inner dialogue is going on about.

Once you stop, or at least limit, your inner dialogue, you get out of your own head and can step more freely into your heart… and re-enter the situation — see it for what it really is, without judgment, criticism, blame, justification etc.

The result is pure presence… there is no subject or object anymore. There is no internal division. There is only You, and the world around you – and how You (not your inner dialogue, laced with its limiting beliefs) freely choose to feel about it.

4. You Become Fully Aware

Awareness is one of the core aspects of Be~ing .

Be~ing , in fact, is awareness. It’s a deeply rooted awareness of one’s self that is distinct from both body and mind.

Be~ing aware gives you the power to assess yourself in every moment — you detect a limiting belief, you sense it because you feel nervous, anxious, angry, upset, your heart is closed so you ask:

Question: “Am I in my head, trapped in my own story right now?”

Answer: “Yes. Ok? So, who would I be right now, without this thought? What action am I now going to take and with what attitude?”

It allows us to be fully present in an activity – with no constant, internal judgment, evaluation, or second-guessing.

It allows us to make conscious choices more easily: “Do I want to meditate?” Answer easily – yes or no… and do accordingly and be free in your choice. No should, woulds or coulds. No more back and forth between all the “shoulds” – I should do this for my health, but I should also do this for my business.

The result of this awareness, this conscious decision making, is a peak sense of flow and freedom, of dancing with what is.

Life can be a series of mundane events, or it can be an adventure filled with inspiring experiences. The difference between the two is based less on events, and more on your level of awareness within and about them.

When you harness your power of Be~ing , you become fully aware of all of life’s “little” joys, gifts, and experiences. You develop a tremendous amount of respect and appreciation for life – as well as a deep awareness of your role and responsibility within it.

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