100 Days Of Happiness ~ on the Day that Paris Mourns

100 Days Of Happiness ~ on the Day that Paris Mourns


53 days ago, I realised we had 100 days left of the year so, I decided to write something new, interesting and inspirational about happiness everyday for 100 days and share it on social media. The idea was to continue to practise what I preach about inner peace and happiness and to invite whomsoever cares to join me along for the ride.

Everyday I share an insight on happiness; I invite people to raise their vibration by dancing to their favourite happy song, mine is Happy by Pharrell; I share three things for which I am happy and grateful; and I ask people to set themselves up for success in their journey to remembering happiness, by putting reminders in their phones, diaries etc.

Ten Insights on Happiness…

By the end there’ll be 100, with science and statistics thrown in for good measure!

1) Happiness is: “the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.” – ‪Aristotle‬
2) Happiness is: “the secret to all beauty…there is no beauty that is attractive without happiness” – Christian Dior
3) Happiness is: “when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony.” – Gandhi
4) Happiness is: knowing that “fearless creativity is born out of peace” – Byron Katie
5) Happiness Is: a collection of experiences; buying experiences, not possessions, leads to greater happiness.
6) Happiness Is: created…not pursued.
7) Happiness is: doing something today your future self will thank you for.
8) Happiness is: loving what is.
9) Happiness is: being happy for this moment, for this moment is your life.
10) Happiness is: falling in love with life… “You don’t have to move mountains, simply fall in love with life. Be a tornado of happiness, gratitude and acceptance. You will change the world, just by being a warm kind-hearted human being.” – Anita Krizzan


I don’t generally read the papers, because they are so typically full of low energy bad news, yet the world was ablaze again last night with the terrible events in Paris. I thought for a while what on earth I’d post today about happiness, wondering for a moment if it would sound trite. But no, I remembered…that “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.” (MLK Jr), I also remembered that “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.” (Marianne Williamson). We spend our formative years in education, being “educated” and yet nobody teaches us how to love ourselves, nor how to be at peace, nor how to be happy, nor even how to find our own light, let alone shine it into the darkness…and why all of this is so important. So I continued…

A wise person said, you can’t solve a problem from the same level of consciousness that created it. Another said, you never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change things you have to build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. And another still said, You are not here to cry about the miseries of the human condition, but to change them when you find them not to your liking through the JOY, strength and vitality that is within you. JOY is not a spineless idiot, either. Its backbone is stronger than bitterness, fear, judgment, anger, condemnation put together.

For some reason our mistrust in one another, in our so-called leaders and in ourselves isn’t working out. We don’t value the traits of kindness and love in the people running for positions of leadership. Instead seeing them as a weakness. So the people who do end up in power reflect this. Creating that very reality for ourselves.

I believe these mass events will only stop when we begin trusting ourselves, one another; personally and en masse, valuing the attributes of love, kindness, joy, happiness and inner peace, as being the ultimate strength; with far more backbone than any hate-saddled, fear-mongering qualities we seem to latch on to. It is up to us individually, and as a collective in common-unity, to raise our vibration and raise our game.

So please, click here to join me here for the remaining 47 days of happiness…

Strength in numbers…

Let’s join together, there is always strength in numbers…to pray and meditate…as the Dalai Lama said: “If Every 8 year old child were taught to meditate, we’d have world peace in one generation.” Let’s begin with us…. #innerpeace for #worldpeace.

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“We look forward to the time when the Power of Love will replace the Love of Power. Then will our world know the blessings of peace.” ( William Gladstone 1809-1898) – Let’s create this now.

Join me here for 100 Days Of Happiness.

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