
Ignite Your Inner Spirit

Connect with your Inner Spirit and awaken new possibilities within you. This best-selling compilation series featuring 35 thought-leaders, including yours truly, is dedicated to helping you awaken your Inner Spirit.

28 January 2016

Disarm Yourself Through Inner Peace

Inner peace brings inner power. When we have inner peace, we speak powerfully to people – often without saying a word. We can be counted on: to be in control, to maintain clarity and to act swiftly, justly, discerningly and strategically at all times.
20 January 2016

Is Change The Only Constant?

Is change the only constant? As each day passes...and we step further and further into 2016 we have the choice to remain true to ourselves, our desires, our dreams and our goals...or not. Having set myself some awe-inspiring dreams and goals for the year, it feels almost inevitable at some point that the ingrained habits of yesteryear will come creeping back into my world and pull me back into that all too familiar orbit of my comfort zone, that I am consciously choosing to leave behind!
1 June 2015

From Mia Magazine to the World
