
Ignite Your Inner Spirit

Connect with your Inner Spirit and awaken new possibilities within you. This best-selling compilation series featuring 35 thought-leaders, including yours truly, is dedicated to helping you awaken your Inner Spirit.

2 February 2016

Take Nothing Personally…Because It Isn’t…

Have you noticed how easily people take offense and get upset over even small things? It is almost as if they are waiting to be upset; always ready to fire off a nasty remark or to play the victim and sulk. One of the main reasons for this is that we have been conditioned by society to attack, criticise and complain if things are not going exactly as we would like them to go. Many people have an attachment to self-importance, to Be~ing right and to Be~ing a victim of the circumstances in which they find themselves, all of which is a favourite obsession of the ego.
28 January 2016

Disarm Yourself Through Inner Peace

Inner peace brings inner power. When we have inner peace, we speak powerfully to people – often without saying a word. We can be counted on: to be in control, to maintain clarity and to act swiftly, justly, discerningly and strategically at all times.
25 August 2015

Break The Rules

In my experience mediocrity is the most dangerous place we can exist. The place of settling. Not questioning the status's time to break the rules. I want to share with you this incredible clip from one of my favourite films of all time, Dead Poets Society – Thank you Robin Williams for making us laugh, for making us cry, for inspiring us and for allowing us to see, that we too can make our very own lives extraordinary. Carpe Diem. Seize the day!
10 November 2014
